Power Spark

Voltage Transformer DS500 and DS1000 Type 3 Voltage Converters

Model: DS-Series
SKU: ds500-ds1000-pt-us1281
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Voltage Transformer DS500 and DS1000 Type 3 Voltage Converters are the top of the line, heavy duty voltage converter that can be used with most air purifiers  so you can enjoy healthy air anywhere in the world.

How do I know what size of transformer to choose?  Use this converter anywhere in the world! Just be sure to get a converter with a wattage rating that its two to three times higher than the highest wattage of your device.

The transformer can function as a step up or step down converter and can be used anywhere in the world.  The multi-function plug allows all types of plugs to be used in the 220V socket.

$65.00 to $99.00