When should you see a doctor about your seasonal allergies?
Many people try to avoid seeing a doctor for their allergy symptoms, preferring to treat them on their own with over-the-counter medications or natural remedies. However, there are certain times when it's important to consult with your doctor to prevent supposedly "minor" spring allergies from developing into a more serious problem. Here are a few of those times:
- Your over-the-counter medication isn't working. Don't settle for subpar allergy relief if over-the-counter drugs aren't working to manage your symptoms. See your doctor to figure out if you can find better relief from a prescription medication.
- Your symptoms have lasted for months. Most seasonal allergy symptoms flare up and die down within a relatively short period of time as plants release their pollen in waves. If you've been experiencing the same symptoms for more than three months, you might be allergic to something other than pollen, or the symptoms might be due to something other than allergies.
- You're having trouble breathing. If you feel any chest tightness or start wheezing, get medical help immediately, as this can be a sign of a worse reaction to come.
- Your symptoms are getting in the way of your life. If you're unable to get to sleep because you keep coughing, or your constant sneezing is ruining your focus at work, consult with your doctor to figure out how you can better manage your symptoms to allow yourself to live your life.
- You've developed another chronic disorder. Diseases like diabetes, heart disease and liver or kidney disease can make taking certain over-the-counter allergy medications dangerous, so check with your doctor before continuing to take these medications.
An air purifier can be a significant help in managing seasonal allergy symptoms. For help finding an air purifier for allergies, contact US Air Purifiers.