Spring is finally here, though this is not always welcome news for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Many experts are predicting that this spring is going to be especially difficult to endure, as the long and cold winter has lead to a massive buildup of pollen waiting to be released. The polar vortex that blanketed a large portion of the country a few months ago has deeply affected the environment and many allergy sufferers might find their symptoms even more difficult to manage than usual. When outside, you should be extra cautious to avoid having an allergy attack.
Here are a few useful tips for staying prepared to combat spring allergy symptoms:
- Begin treatment immediately: Even if you do not feel any of your symptoms coming on, it is important to stay prepared and ahead of any allergy attacks. The sooner you begin taking your medication or other medicines – like eye drops – the more equipped your body will be able to fight off the inevitable onslaught of pollen.
- Change your exercise routine: On days where there are high levels of pollen in the air, shift your exercising routine from outdoors to indoors. Pollen levels often peak around the mid-afternoon, and will be higher on days that are warm and dry. For these days, do not risk being outside.
- Keep windows closed: Your home should be cooled with an air conditioner set to the recirculate setting. Do not let pollen into your car or house by keeping all of your windows shut and locked.
Help keep the air in your house or office free from pollen and other pollutants by investing in a Whirlpool air purifier from US Air Purifiers Direct 2U today!