The United Nations is sounding the alarm on the need for cleaner air, and negative effects of air pollution worldwide.

This month, a piece by Daniel Johnson reports on news from the UN World Meteorological Organization or WMO that paint a grim picture of what we’re facing.
“(A new set of findings) is just one of many unsettling discoveries featured in the latest WMO Air Quality and Climate Bulletin,” Johnson writes. “It highlights, for instance, that the first eight months of 2024 have seen no let-up in periods of intense heat and persistent droughts around the world, fuelling the risk of wildfires and air pollution.”
What are some of the major impacts of this problem?
The piece describes three outcomes that we have to look out for as we deal with increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and the pollution of our air.
The Death Toll
Early on in the article, we see that WMO spokespersons are estimating that air pollution causes 4.5 million premature deaths per year!
“This is more than those death by malaria and HIV/AIDS combined;” WMO Scientific Officer Lorenzo Labrador said in a press statement, “so air pollution is the biggest environmental risk of our time. But not only is it a health risk in itself, it also exacerbates climate change.”
To put it in perspective, that’s more than the total American Covid deaths in each of the years that the pandemic was most dangerous.
Premature deaths have co-morbidities – it’s not that the impact of the pollution killed people by itself, but it did limit their longevity and quality of life.
Certain groups also have a heightened vulnerability, including:
· The elderly
· Pregnant women
· Immunocompromised people
· Those with certain respiratory conditions
So when you think about the impact of poor quality air, one of the most important metrics is the lives lost or cut short by this aspect of our environmental peril.
The Scourge of Wildfires
We know that across the country, wildfires are causing billions of dollars of property damage each year.
But you don’t really get the full effect until you talk to a family who has had to evacuate quickly, and has seen their place of residence burned to the ground because of out-of-control wildfires.
At the same time, many of us can appreciate the environmental impact of the wildfires, because we see the hazy skylines and smell the evidence of combustion in our communities, and we recognize that this is having an effect on our health.
So there are multiple kinds of destruction caused by wildfires, including the proliferation of PM 2.5, fine particulates that can have a bad effect on human health.
Crop Damage and Agricultural Impact
We also have to anticipate that crops will be affected by climate change and greater levels of air pollution.
These resources show how this type of agricultural problem will manifest in the coming years.
On the other hand, NASA has done research into how plants may get a boost from increased carbon dioxide in the air.
So although the science is tricky, we can see that the changes are going to impact agriculture in a big way, and we need to be ready.
Protecting Yourself and Your Family
Aside from activism and policy work, there’s not a whole lot that you can do to improve the outdoor air in your community.
But you can improve the air inside your home!
You can start by using an air monitor to check for contaminants, and then address your air quality with a proactive action plan that includes air purifier machines.
These modern units have HEPA filters that scrub even small particles out of your indoor air, for a cleaner, more breathable space.
Take a look at everything that’s out there, and we can help you choose the machines that are right for you. US Air Purifiers LLC(™) has the expertise and track record to help you get the most value out of what you buy. We know the brands, and the science behind them. Contact us for help making your home safer for everyone.