Studies show that women are more prone to allergies and asthma than men.
Statistics show that millions of Americans suffer from asthma or allergies and, as such, medical professionals are adamant about determining the causes of these afflictions and finding new ways to treat their patients. According to one study recently presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, understanding how asthma and allergies affect people depending on their gender could enable doctors to provide more targeted treatments.
Researchers have found that while boys are more prone to asthma and allergies than girls during childhood, this reverses as both genders age, reports United Press International. The news outlet states that the reasons behind this shift are complex, noting that the most important takeaway is that it’s imperative for doctors to aim for personalized treatment approaches depending on various factors.
“The importance of sex differences in the practice of allergy-immunology cannot be overstated,” said Dr. Renata Engler, an allergy specialist who presented the findings, in a press statement. “Improved sex/gender based medicine and research practices will benefit men and women alike.”
If you’re one of the millions of people in the United States who has to deal with asthma or allergies on a regular basis, the good news is that there are steps you can take around the house to ensure that your symptoms remain under control. For example, you may want to consider investing in some custom air purifiers from Air Purifiers Direct 2U, as these devices can make an immediate difference in your quality of life. Browse our website today to find out more!