In late spring or early summer, many of us like to take a weekend to get rid of some old junk we don’t need anymore, polish up all of the surfaces in our homes and make sure that all of the grime and dirt that can build up over the long winter months gets taken care of. However, spring cleaning is more than a chance to throw out the things you don’t need or use anymore. It’s also a great time to make sure that your house is allergen-free and as healthy as possible. Here are a few simple health-enhancing tips to put onto your spring cleaning list.
 Replace All A/C and HVAC Filters
Whether you use window unit air conditioners or a central air system, spring is the best time to replace your filters before cranking the air up for the first time. Over the winter, dust can build up in air conditioning units, and window units can even be prone to mold growth because of their exposure to outside humidity. While doing your spring cleaning, it is best to go ahead and replace all of the air system filters in your home so that your comfortable air conditioning doesn’t start spreading dust, mold spores and other unpleasant health hazards into the air you have to breathe.
 Dust All of the Hard to Reach Areas
Dust can build up remarkably quickly in small nooks and crannies, many of which you never even think of when doing general cleaning. A thorough spring clean is an ideal opportunity to dust under and behind furniture, inside cabinets and in other difficult to reach areas. With allergy season already at hand, the last thing you need is airborne dust adding even more irritation to your respiratory system.
 Look for Mold
Most people would never believe how easy it is for mold to grow inside their homes without being noticeable. While you are going through and cleaning all of the areas you usually ignore, it’s a good idea to look for signs of mold or mildew. Be especially on the lookout for molds which are black in color, as certain types of black mold can be devastatingly bad for human health. If you do find patches of any kind of mold beginning to grow on walls or ceilings, wash them down with soapy water or, in more extreme cases, a diluted bleach solution to kill the mold and neutralize any spores that may be present. Pay especially close attention in basements, as foundation cracks can let groundwater in and create a perfect environment for mold growth.
 Look Into a Home Air Purifier
Now that you’ve gone through the process of changing all of your air system filters, carefully removing all of the dust from the nooks and crannies and made a thorough search for mold and mildew, your home is probably the healthiest it has been all year. If you want to keep it this way, making use of a residential air purifier is one of your best options. A good air purifier will keep your home free of dust and mold spores, making it less likely that all of the problems you’ve just solved will recur.
You can check our out complete line of residential air purifiers for all uses and sizes of homes here. Not sure what you need? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact us with your questions, and we’ll help guide you through the process of picking out the air purifier that is perfect for your home and your needs.