Autumn brings with it a great many things: colorful leaves, Halloween decorations and the end of overly hot weather. It’s also the time that college students return to their dorm rooms and resume their studies. Since students spend so much of their time in their dorms, it’s important to make these small spaces as healthy as possible. One thing that every college student living on campus needs is a small humidifier for a dorm room.
 Why Are Small Humidifiers for Dorm Rooms Important?
There are two main reasons that a small humidifier is important in a dorm room. The first is that, because of the normal college schedule, a significant portion of the school year falls in the winter time. Heating robs air of much of the moisture it contains, leading in turn to several problems caused by overly dry air. These problems range from dry, cracked lips to nasal and respiratory irritation. Having even a small personal humidifier can alleviate all of these problems.
The second reason small humidifiers for dorm rooms are an essential item for college students is that, during the spring and fall, moister air can help keep pollen down. Though it won’t eliminate pollen in the same way a personal air purifier does, a humidifier can provide some relief at a very reasonable cost.
 Best Humidifiers for Dorm Rooms
Though there are many smaller humidifiers that are appropriate for use in dorm rooms, two of the units we offer stand out ahead of the pack. The SPT Ultrasonic Humidifier, which covers up to 450 square feet with a 2.3 liter tank, is one of the most cost-effective options, coming in at just $59.00. Another model from SPT, the SU-2020, offers similar operation, but with a much larger two-gallon water tank. This model, which is priced only slightly higher at $79.00, is somewhat easier for busy college students to maintain, as it doesn’t require constant refilling.
If you or a family member is back at college this autumn, a personal humidifier is a dorm room essential. Have questions about how a humidifier can benefit your health? Feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions and provide you with personalized product recommendations based on your needs.