Is your child suffering from undiagnosed asthma?
Asthma is one of the most common childhood diseases, affecting over 10 percent of kids in the United States. Experts believe that this number might actually be higher, because there are those who are incorrectly diagnosed, or never diagnosed at all. It can be very dangerous for anybody to not have control over their breathing affliction, but this is especially true in children whose lungs are still developing.
Here are a few signs of childhood asthma that often go unnoticed by parents:
- Excessive coughing at night or in the morning: This is a sure sign of asthma, because there are no obvious triggers to alter breathing late at night or early in the morning. Your child’s breathing pattern slows down when going to sleep and ramps up when they are first awake. If your child is prone to coughing fits in either of these time periods, have a doctor examine them for asthma or allergies.
- Exercise limitations: If your child is physically active and healthy, but cannot keep up with their friends while running around and playing a game, asthma could be the culprit. This is where having undiagnosed asthma can become life-threatening, because your child could risk having an attack while with friends without having the proper medication to counter its affects.
- Weather changes: It might seem odd to you that your child’s coughing and wheezing gets worse with changing weather patterns – such as rain, wind or extreme temperatures – but this is due to asthma. Seasonal changes are particularly difficult on asthma sufferers, particularly as we head into winter or summer.
If your child has asthma, a great way to help ease symptoms is with a purifier for US Air Purifiers Direct 2U. We have a wide selection of affordable air purifiers to choose from.