An air purifier which uses a HEPA filter.
While most people tend to associate allergies strongly with the spring and summer months, winter brings on its own set of allergens, leaving those who suffer from allergies with the possibility of dust mites and mold spores living in their homes. Though the microscopic hazards cost the United States upwards of $20 billion in health care every year, there are ways to fight back and remain healthy.
According to the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), roughly half of all Americans test positive for at least one of the ten most common allergens. These include ragweed, Bermuda grass, pet dander, mold and house dust mites. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology estimates that 27 percent of Americans are allergic to dust mites, which are commonly found on mattresses and pillows.
Mold is a danger to both your house and health. Mold is able to thrive particularly well in warm and humid environments, though it is an adaptable species. Wet surfaces in bathrooms, towels, carpeting and grout are all places where mold can live and grow.
There are many ways to help lower your risk of exposure to allergens, although there is no complete cure for allergies themselves. Here are some tips on avoiding the tiny irritants.
- After showering, make sure to wipe down every surface thoroughly. Wipe up any condensation, and allow the area to completely dry.
- Do not put carpet on basement flooring, or in any room where a carpet or carpet pad would be directly on top of a concrete surface.
- Be sure to vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture regularly to reduce the possibility of dust mites and pet dander.
To keep the air in your home healthy for the entire family, homeowners should invest in custom air purifiers or filters from US Air Purifiers Direct 2U.