While most of our products focus on removing contaminants from the air with specialized filters, there are other ways to ensure your home is as clean and healthy as possible. One of the most innovative product lines on the market today is the BetterAir series of probiotic air purifiers. Here’s what you need to know about the brand’s flagship model, the BetterAir Biotica800, and the air and surface cleaning capabilities of probiotic air purifiers.
What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics are beneficial, microscopic organisms that can be cultivated in order to promote human health. Probiotics can serve many roles both inside and outside of the body. While most probiotic organisms have specific health benefits, it’s also important to understand that they compete with other living organisms, including harmful ones, for the scarce resources they need to live and reproduce. This ability of probiotic organisms to create more balanced ecosystems is an important concept to understand, as it is a key mechanism in probiotic air purification.
So, How Does Probiotic Air Purification Work?
Most people are familiar with probiotics as a dietary concept, where they are often used to promote digestive health. However, the same basic idea can be applied to balancing the air and surfaces in a home. When probiotics are dispersed into the air, they begin competing with harmful organic contaminants for resources. Over time, the probiotic microflora result in a healthier overall environment.
Interestingly, the same process can also render the surfaces in your home cleaner. When the probiotic mixture is deposited onto surfaces, the probiotics will begin consuming organic debris on those surfaces. As a result, the surfaces will achieve a better balance and the environment within your home as a whole will become healthier.
It’s also worth noting that the building of a healthier environment with probiotics is an ongoing process. Unlike traditional filtered air purifiers, probiotics won’t deliver their maximum benefits immediately, as it will take a bit of time for the beneficial organisms to establish themselves.
How Does This Compare to More Traditional Air Purifiers?
Needless to say, the idea of using tiny living things to keep air and surfaces healthier is a novel and relatively new one. Probiotic air purifiers work very differently from traditional HEPA and carbon models. Normal air purifiers operate by passing air through a filter. This filter traps contaminants, while the purified air is released back into the surrounding area. Though seemingly simple, this basic principle is what drives almost all standard air purifiers.
By contrast, probiotic air purifiers work throughout a large space, rather than just removing them inside of a fan-driven machine. Once dispersed, a probiotic mix is free to remain in the air and settle on nearby surfaces. In other words, the cleaning that takes place from a probiotic air purifier occurs outside of the purifier itself, while more traditional models focus on dragging air through themselves where it can be filtered and cleaned.
While this dispersed approach to air cleaning doesn’t necessarily make probiotic models better than traditional units, it does result in certain benefits. Most importantly, probiotic organisms are allowed to build up in the area around the purifier, forming something of a protective bubble.
Why Choose a Probiotic Air Purifier?
There are many good reasons to select a probiotic air purifier like the BetterAir Biotica800 (see next section for details). First and foremost, a good probiotic mix will provide protection both in the air and on the surfaces surrounding the purifier.
Another good reason to use probiotic air purification is that it’s completely organic and environmentally friendly. Unlike units that use chemical treatments, a probiotic purifier will have no negative environmental impacts. This makes units like the BetterAir Biotica800 a great choice if you’re trying to make your home more environmentally friendly but still want the benefits of advanced air purification.
Finally, probiotic mixes do a good job of removing common household odors. While other contaminants may be more concerning, keeping your home free of unpleasant odors is a major reason to use an air purifier. With probiotics, you’ll have a natural, organic approach to eliminating odors.
Introducing the BetterAir Biotica800
As mentioned above, one of the best probiotic air purifiers you’ll find is the BetterAir Biotica800. This unit is designed to cover up to 800 square feet by dispensing a patented probiotic blend. With BetterAir’s unique technology, this blend is able to disperse through the air, eventually settling on hard surfaces. Through the combination of airborne and surface deposited probiotics, this air purifier creates a more balanced ecosystem in your home that can help to promote overall health.
The Biotica800 releases a 30-second spray of probiotics once every 70 minutes. During the time in between sprays, the unit is entirely silent, though it will produce a very quiet misting sound while the probiotic spray is being dispensed. As a result, the BetterAir Biotica800 is among the quietest air purifiers available on the market. This low noise level also makes it suitable for use in work and study spaces.
Another advantage of this BetterAir unit is its compact size. At just 3.8×2.1×9.7 inches, the Biotica800 is extremely small for the size of the area it’s capable of covering. Weighing in at only 3.3 pounds, this air purifier is also easy to pack up and take with you wherever you go. In fact, it’s a great option for using in hotel rooms when you’re on the go, since these rooms are notoriously dirty.
Each BetterAir Biotica800 comes with a replaceable cartridge that will last for approximately 3 months of continuous usage. The unit also offers an immediate release function, as well as the standard timed release setting.
Whole House and Commercial Probiotic Air Purification
While the Biotica800 is a great unit for small to medium-sized spaces, it isn’t up to the task of covering an entire home. Fortunately, BetterAir also manufactures larger versions that are suitable for HVAC use. One of these units, the BA-1200, can cover up to 13,000 square feet, making it ideal for large homes or medium-sized commercial properties. Although it’s much larger, this HVAC unit dispenses the same high-quality probiotic blend as the Biotica800 and confers all of the same benefits.
For larger commercial spaces, BetterAir takes it one step further with the BA-1800. With the ability to cover up to 45,000 square feet, this unit is perfect for office buildings and other large workplaces. Thanks to the BA-1800, even large companies can experience the benefits of probiotic air purification and help their employees remain healthier and more productive at work.
Who Is BetterAir Probiotic Air Purification For?
Probiotic units are great for people who are interested in improving their overall indoor air quality in a natural, organic way. Since they work without synthetic filters or chemical treatments, probiotic air purifiers are green alternatives that often appeal to our most environmentally conscious buyers.
Where to Buy BetterAir Refills
Because they rely on probiotic cartridges, BetterAir units require refills when the old cartridges run out. Fortunately, you’ll find refills for all of the units discussed above here at US Air Purifiers! Whether you’re using the Biotica800 or one of the larger HVAC units, we have the refills you need to keep your probiotic air purifier running smoothly.
To help make your cartridge maintenance easier, you can also use our filter change reminder tool! Although it’s normally used to remind users of standard air purifiers to change their filters, this tool can also be used to remind you when your BetterAir unit is due for a new probiotic cartridge. *Note: Filter Change Reminder Tool is only compatible with BetterAir Biotica800 and older models and does not include options for the larger HVAC units.
Wrapping Up
Now that you know what probiotic air purifiers are and how they work, you can decide whether this kind of air cleaning technology is the right fit for your needs. Using a unit like the BetterAir Biotica800, you can create a more healthful environment in your home and clean your air in an environmentally friendly way.
Still have questions about the BetterAir Biotica800 or the benefits of probiotics in home air? We’re here to help! Feel free to send us your questions, and we’ll be happy to provide you with answers and personalized product recommendations based on your unique needs. If you’re still not sure whether a probiotic air purifier is right for you, let us help you weigh your options to select the best possible air cleaning system for your home.