Though it may be cold now, spring is just around the corner, and with it will come the annual onslaught of airborne allergens. Pollen from many different types of plants can cause allergic reactions that make breathing difficult and which can be particularly harmful for those suffering from serious asthma symptoms. In this article, we’ll take a look at a few simple tips that you can implement to relieve your allergies and help yourself enjoy the upcoming spring.
 Limiting Exposure in Allergy Season
For most people, controlling mild allergies is mostly about limiting exposure to the allergens that affect them. Because spring allergies are caused almost entirely by plant pollen, a great way to do this is to make sure that your yard is well kept and free of weeds. As strange as it may sound, keeping a tidy yard can greatly reduce the amount of pollen in the air near your home. This can be as simple as spreading a granular weed-killer on your lawn before the allergy season is in full swing in order to ensure that the weeds that produce pollen don’t have a chance to take hold near you.
Another easy way to reduce exposure to springtime airborne allergens is to use fans to circulate air rather than opening windows, especially during the day when pollen levels are at their highest. This helps to keep pollen from finding its way into your home, If you need some fresh air, it’s best to open the house up in the late evening, when pollen levels will be much lower, and to close up again before daybreak.
 Should You Use an Air Purifier?
If you suffer from asthma or severe allergies, the answer to this question is an emphatic “yes”. No other method of limiting airborne allergen exposure can reduce pollen levels enough to make allergy season tolerable if you suffer from upper respiratory issues or have severe pollen allergies. If you only suffer from mild allergies, the answer is that you can probably get by without an air purifier, but that you’ll feel much better with one. Even by limiting your pollen exposure, you’re still only removing part of the problem. A HEPA air purifier will remove 99.97 percent of all particulate matter greater than 0.3 microns in diameter, which encompasses all varieties of pollen.
A few of our top recommendations for limiting allergies are:
If you have question about these or any other air purifiers, or are interested in what an air purifier can do for your health, please contact us today!