Medical Virology Research Scientist Works in a Hazmat Suit with Mask, She Uses Micropipette. She Works in a Sterile High Tech Laboratory, Research Facility.
In some ways, it seems like the quality of indoor air is something that’s going to become more of a mainstream preoccupation for American families and small business owners. We’re getting bold new technologies in play. Air quality is also something that is more on people’s minds than it used to be.
Up until now, many people have thought of this as sort of a ‘niche’ industry, or something that only caters to a small target audience. But as technology increases, we’re going to become more knowledgeable about what’s in our indoor air. To many of us, it will make sense to more families to simply have air purifiers in place. Think about wildfire smoke and the small particles that it carries. Many of us had never heard about this until recent years. At the same time, advanced cancer research and other investigations are showing how bad air contaminants really are for us.
Air purifiers can be really valuable for an indoor space, whether it’s a home, or a business.
That’s because these simple machines can really eliminate a lot of problems that impact our health. It’s not a question of being “paranoid about germs” or other microbes. Air purifiers get rid of items like mold, pet dander, and various allergens that can cause all kinds of annoying symptoms, and even more serious health impacts.
At the same time, these machines can also be a good way to feel better about your health during the winter cold and flu transmission season.
We spend a lot of time in our homes in the winter. If we can cut down the transmission of airborne viruses, that’s a major plus for quality of life.
New Research on Virus Prevention
The folks at Phillips, for instance, are working on some fairly detailed research. They’re showing how air purifiers may be able to help with virus transmission.
It’s important to point out that people aren’t claiming that air purifiers can remove Covid virus particles from the air. Instead, they’re looking at more general practices like using the machines on flu virus aerosols.
Specifically, this article shows an independent research firm tested certain HEPA filter machines on the flu. They found that it reduced H1N1 influenza levels by 99.9% in a test chamber within 10 minutes.
That’s more of a hard metric on the handling of virus microbes. Again, companies aren’t claiming a certain efficacy against Covid. Still, it stands to reason that some of this modern technology is going to practically reduce the amount of active Covid in the air.
NASA Looks at Air Purification
For example, take a look at this NASA study, and our coverage of it on our website. There are certain risk factors that can be impacted by using air purifiers. For instance, we know that a lot of smaller virus particles can connect to larger particles that get trapped in HEPA filters. That means that on a practical level, you can expect some trapping of the smaller particles as well. Even if the filter is rated for a particular size, it can still work this way.
Another way to talk about this is that effective technology and filters can slow down the movement of small particles. A filter can act against their ability to float to where they can cause trouble.
That’s just one element of how filter technologies can inhibit virus transmission.
Rapid-Fire Air Scans Revolutionize Monitoring
Here’s another very interesting part of the research that’s going on at Phillips…
Industry leaders report that they can build technology that scans the indoor air 1000 times a second. That’s far beyond the speed of a normal moving film (measured in frames per second), which is an amazing capability. You would imagine that you really get a good look at what’s in your indoor air with this level of analysis.
Then you can take the steps to put in place the filtration and other technologies that will remove harmful particles from the air that you breathe every day.
Buying Air Purifiers
That’s some of what’s behind the renewed interest in air purifier technologies. Simply speaking, they provide lots of value for cost – for as little as a few hundred dollars, these machines can actively improve your health and quality of life in so many different ways.
Take a look at mid-range models like the Airpura R400, for example, with the ability to act against a range of small particles. Or browse designs by makers like Austin Air and BetterAir (now called EnviroBiotics), with the different designs that make them effective for certain needs.
US Air Purifiers LLC will help you with warranty, pricing information and everything else – we have what we need to help customers have peace of mind with their purchase, and everything else that comes along with that, like maintenance tips, or explanations of what these systems actually trap. In a lot of ways, this is the “age of the air purifier” – get yours, and breathe easy!