Recent data from the Douglas County, Nebraska, Health Department suggests that Omaha air quality decreases substantially during the warmest months of the year. This decrease in air quality is common in hot weather, but can be especially dangerous in cities with lower baseline air quality. The health department data linked the summer months to a marked increase in hospitalizations due to asthma attacks and other chronic respiratory conditions.
 What Causes Air Quality to Decrease in Warm Weather?
Poor air quality in warm weather is caused by a variety of factors. The first, and most obvious, is the fact that plants typically produce the most pollen during the warmest periods of the year. This excess pollen can severely aggravate existing respiratory conditions. Another common contributing factor is the fact that travel by vehicle is most common during the summertime, which adds additional air pollution to major cities in the form of car exhaust.
The final cause of poor air quality during the summer, however, is less obvious. High air temperatures can cause levels of ozone in the air to be increased. Though ozone is typically thought of as a beneficial substance for its critical role in blocking ultraviolet rays from sunlight in the upper atmosphere, it can be extremely dangerous to human health when inhaled. Short term exposure can irritate the respiratory system, making asthma symptoms worse. Longer term exposure, on the other hand, can cause permanent damage to parts of the respiratory system. Though seldom thought of, ozone is the most potentially harmful factor contributing to poor air quality in the summertime.
 What Can Residents do About Poor Omaha Air Quality?
Residents of Omaha, as well as just about any major metropolitan area, should take steps to protect themselves from the air quality decrease that happens to varying degrees during any prolonged period of warm weather. There are several simple steps that anyone can take to limit the potential risk of exposure to unhealthy air. These include keeping windows shut during the daytime, using a central air system to cool and circulate the air in your home and making sure to limit intense physical exercise outdoors. For those who wish to add protection to their homes in order to be sure to avoid complications from poor air, the best option is a residential air purifier.
If you have asthma, allergies or are just concerned about the health of yourself and your family, you can check out our wide variety of air purification systems here. Have questions about which system is best for your needs? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact us with your questions, and we’ll help you to pick out the perfect air purifier for use in your home.