Oklahoma has already had five allergy alerts in the month of September.
Fall has finally arrived, and it has brought a particularly intense allergy season with it. Earlier in the week, the Oklahoma Allergy and Asthma Clinic (OAAC) released its fifth alert of the month for ragweed pollen. But the clinic has also pointed to other fall allergens like cedar elm trees, mold and weeds as also causing trouble for many Oklahoma residents.
Terri Folks, OAAC spokeswoman, tells NEWS OK that allergies are typically most extreme during the fall and spring seasons, adding that “Ragweed is usually our biggest culprit this time of year. I guess we’ve kind of been in the perfect storm for conditions, with the hot and the wet, and the wind blows the pollen everywhere.”
Ragweed usually stays in bloom through the end of November and the best way to avoid allergic reactions, especially for those who are severely affected, is by staying indoors. Keeping the windows of cars and houses closed are also effective ways of protecting yourself. However, if your symptoms of runny noses, itchy eyes and constant sneezing are especially intense, scheduling an appointment with an allergist may benefit you as well.
Eye drops and nasal medication, along with showering to remove all traces of pollen from your hair and skin, are useful deterrents. But for extreme sufferers of allergies, sometimes shots from a medical professional will help alleviate your troubles. Doing this as early as possible is also in your best interest as it is better to get ahead of the symptoms instead of trying to catch up with them after they’ve already besieged your system.
Affordable air purifiers are another way to battle seasonal allergies. That’s why US Air Purifiers Direct 2U takes great care in meeting the needs of our customers. If you’re looking to acquire the best air purifier for allergies, contact us today!