A new study has linked bone density loss to a certain kind of asthma.
According to a new study, having a certain kind of asthma may be associated with bone loss. Health officials in Seoul, South Korea, examined the records of more than 7,000 adults. What they found in this research was that men and women who suffer from hyperresponsiveness – meaning the lungs are particularly sensitive – had significantly lower bone density in their spines than those who do not have the disease.
The researchers could not say whether the bone loss or asthma came first and noted that a more extensive study would need to be conducted. This research was led by Dr. Jae-Woo Jung of the Seoul National University Medical Research Center. Of the 7,034 patients whose records were studied, the average bone density in the spine was much lower in the 216 people who have airway hyperresponsiveness.
“Asthma could be a risk for bone loss. The degree to which their disease puts them at risk for bone loss and fractures needs to be further studied,” Dr. Sonal Singh, an asthma specialist, told Reuters Health.
The researchers also noted that fractures are a known side effect of treating asthma with inhaled steroids, as the steroids have been known to decrease bone density in patients by stopping calcium from being absorbed by the body. Dr. Jung and colleagues omitted these people from their research, as they likely would have skewed the results.
If you suffer from asthma, it is important to manage your symptoms effectively. One way to keep the air in your home free from pollutants – allowing you to breathe easier – is by investing in a home air purifier from US Air Purifiers Direct 2U! Contact us today for more information about our products.