As the weather cools down, the frost eliminates outdoor allergens like pollen and mold.
Many people across the United States dread the transition from fall to winter, as it means frigid weather, snow storms and higher gas bills. However, for the millions of Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, winter often means a several-month-long respite from coughing, sneezing, watery eyes and a runny nose.
According to WANE.com, an Indiana news outlet, the first few frosts can bring on significant relief.
"The usual was [always] one frost. Nowadays, we think it takes two killing frosts to wipe out the pollens and molds out there," Dr. Frederick Leickly, an allergist at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health, explained to the source. "The winter would be the time when the outdoor world is not going to bother you. But you can be sensitive to stuff in your indoor world."
With this in mind, chances are you may have to make some small changes around your home to ensure that household contaminants like dust mites, pet dander and mold aren't clogging your airways and decreasing your comfort level.
Since most modern residences are tightly insulated to keep out the cold and reduce energy costs, it's much easier for pollutants to become trapped indoors. Fortunately, there are specific devices that address this exact problem. At Air Purifiers Direct 2U, we sell a plethora of residential air purifiers, which improve the quality of air in your home by eliminating the tiny particles that aggravate allergy symptoms. To find out more about how these products can make a difference in your house, take a look around our website today.