Each year, one in twelve people across the United States is diagnosed with asthma. But are they really suffering from the breathing affliction? According to the director of the University of Pittsburgh Asthma Institute, a number of patients are living with a misdiagnosis that could lead to further medical problems in the future.
Dr. Sally Wenzel, the institute's director, says the rate at which people are diagnosed incorrectly is staggering. According to reports she has studied, one quarter to one third of all patients in the United States that have been diagnosed with asthma end up not having the disease at all. These findings, she says, match her own work.
This can have a potentially disastrous affect on the health of the patient being treated incorrectly. Dr. Wenzel believes that the disease is often over treated because it is easy to simply prescribe somebody with an inhaler with instructions than trying to solve what could be the real problem. Suffering from chronic coughing or shortness of breath, two symptoms of asthma, can actually mean more serious issues such as heart failure or vocal chords that are not working properly.
Aside from health issues, there is also an economic argument to be made for correctly diagnosing asthma. According to the Centers for Disease Control, asthma-related medical expenses costs the United States around $50 billion each year. This number can be reduced if the number of people who do not actually have the disorder are properly treated by medical professionals.
Says Dr. Wenzel, "If you have breathing problems and you have been diagnosed with asthma but you have never had a breathing test, get with your doctor and get a breathing test."
Air purifiers and filters from US Air Purifiers can help anybody, with or without asthma, breathe easy.