Will the lung flute be useful for people who suffer from asthma?
A small plastic flute has been proven effective to help treat those who suffer from emphysema, and now scientists are testing it out to see if it is a useful way to combat asthma symptoms. The lung flute does not produce any sound, but the vibrations it creates is important for breaking up building mucus in the lungs.
Those vibrations are the focal point of the study and could be the key to asthma management. Dr. Stanley Schwartz and Dr. James Cumella, both Maryland-based immunologists, are conducting the research. The lung flute has already been approved for usage by people who have emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, commonly known as COPD. The doctors want to expand its use to people who are suffering from all kinds of breathing issues, beginning with those with asthma.
Those participating in the study will use the device for three months, blowing into it twice daily. Over the course of the study they will visit with Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Cumella to have the functionality of their lungs tested, to see if there is a noticeable difference in their symptoms. Tammy Recckio, one of the participants, has suffered from asthma her entire life but has it well-controlled on her medication. She signed up to see if the device would help reduce her difficulties with asthma even more.
Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Cumella have stated that the research will be an ongoing process to see if it is actually beneficial for those who have different types of asthma.
One of the best ways to manage your asthma symptoms is by keeping the air in your home fresh. Shop with US Air Purifiers Direct 2U to choose from our line of affordable air purifiers.