London Installation Shows Poor Quality of Air in Some of the World’s Most Polluted Cities


We know that a lot of harmful air contaminants exist in the air around us, but it’s hard to imagine some of the impact on the world’s biggest cities, unless you undertake a kind of simulation of their environments.

An exhibition in front of London’s Somerset house April 18-25 revealed some of what the world’s people struggle with. It allows visitors to get a look at what living in these areas would be like with smog and pollution all around them.

The exhibition was put on by a group called Climart from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. They constructed five geodesic greenhouse domes in the courtyard of the property, and filled them with different kinds of air, to simulate what it would be like to live and breathe in cities like New Delhi and Beijing.

Considering pollutant sources like diesel, gasoline, nitrogen oxide, and small particulate matter from combustion, the team put together indoor environments that really bring home the challenges of living in some of these cities.

How Air Quality Affects Health

A companion in the Smithsonian talks about impact on longevity and lifestyle: in London itself, the air quality takes about 15 months off of the life of the average female, and 17 months for an average male.

In Beijing, it’s more than six years.

There are also secondary effects of harmful air pollutants as well, for example, where prenatal exposure can be hazardous to the infant.

Americans are shielded from some of the worst effects of these toxic environments, but we are not immune from the contaminants that are put into our air locally or regionally.

In fact, we’ve seen the impact of regional wildfires move the whole way across the country and down from Canada, which gave people new kinds of anxieties about their air quality.

When you see particulates settling into haze and obstructing vision, it’s a first-hand view of what happens in extreme cases of air pollution.

Solutions for Indoor Air Handling

So what can you do if you feel like the air around you is polluted and affecting your health?

When it comes to your home or business space, you can set up air purifiers to actually scrub contaminants out of the air, and improve the consistent quality of what you breathe when inhabiting that building.

You can also use air monitor appliances to figure out the quality of the air, and decide what you need to bring it up to a particular standard.

We have air units for different spaces, and units rated for numbers of air changes per hour. We have alternative technologies like filter systems that heat contaminants to remove them from the air.

We can advise on what to add to your home environment to be confident about the air that you breathe on a daily basis. Ask US Air Purifiers LLC(â„¢) about how to outfit your home with the right machines and gear to get your indoor air in good, breathable shape.