While children in the United States are at an increased risk for allergies and asthma, products from US Air Purifiers DIrect 2U are useful in any environment or setting.
According to scientists at JAMA Pediatrics, children who are born or live in the United States are more likely to develop asthma or other types of allergies than children who live in other countries. The scientists, who studied over 90,000 California residents between the ages of 1 to 17 who participated in a 2007/2008 National Survey of Children’s Health, found that 11 percent suffered from asthma, while 20 percent registered immune reactions to different allergens, such as pollen or dust.
Because of these high numbers, the scientists decided to expand their research to determine whether or not children in the United States were more greatly affected by environmental exposures. As it turns out, they were. The scientists discovered that 20 percent of foreign-born children developed allergic diseases, a sharp difference from 34 percent of American children. Having asthma was even more rare, with children born outside of the United States 47 percent less likely to develop the disease than their American counterparts.
But the environmental impact on kids’ health is not limited just to those born within the borders of the United States. Children who were born in another country but have resided in America for ten years or more are three times more likely to have an allergic disease than those who had spent less than two years in the country. To the scientists running the study, this conclusively proved that the atmosphere and climate of the United States could have a drastic effect on a child’s health, regardless of national origin.
Despite the health risks of living in this country, US Air Purifiers Direct 2U can help children and grown adults with or without allergies have cleaner air in their homes with our extensive selection of custom air purifiers and filters.