Some people with asthma are relying too heavily on their medication.
According to a new report in science news website LiveScience, people who suffer from asthma might be overmedicating themselves. Though there is not a fully known way on the best course to reduce a person’s asthma medication, its prolonged usage when no longer necessary can have harmful side effects on a person’s body. The side effects includes bones being weakened over time.
Patients and doctors fall into the habit of leaving people on a higher dosage of their medication – typically an inhaled corticosteroid – once symptoms have been properly managed and are safely under control. They often do not consider the possibility of having a lower amount for fear that they will damage their health and suffer from the affects of asthma again. Inhaled corticosteroids reduce the inflammation in lungs and open up the airways, allowing patients to breathe easier.
“We need to find a way to help patients control their asthma without overmedicating them,” John Mastronarde, Ohio State University’s asthma center director, said in a statement.
The report states that, while their are damaging side effects to taking too high a dosage of asthma medication over a long period of time, there is no danger in consuming lower amounts. Those who suffer from allergies just need to remain aware of their surroundings to avoid coming into contact with something that will trigger an attack, as well as keeping their medicine somewhere it can be quickly accessed in the event of an emergency.
If you have asthma, it is important to be in contact with your doctor about the best course of action for your treatment. In addition to his, help keep the air in your home allergen-free with a home air purifier from US Air Purifiers Direct 2U.