While this lovely landscape is still pristine and natural, many parts of the world suffer from severe and dangerous air pollution.
Because of how common air pollution from vehicles, factories, and other sources is in the modern world, it is easy to wonder whether or not it is really all that dangerous. Can it really lead to negative health effects? Is the danger of air pollution really all just hype? As pleasant as it would be to think that this was the case, the truth is, unfortunately, very different. A recent study conducted by Berkeley Earth suggests that 4,000 people die every day in China due to air pollution.
 Dangers of Heavy Air Pollution
It may seem incredible to think that 17% of the annual Chinese mortality rate is caused by air pollution, but the recent study seems to strongly bear this out. China’s heavily industrialized economy has created conditions in which many factories burn coal, once a major source of energy in the United States and other western nations, without filtering the smoke. This has introduced a huge amount of particulate pollution into the air in many Chinese cities, contributing to increased frequency of asthma, lung cancer, and heart attacks. While China is slowly working to better manage this pollution, it is clear that it has a long, long way left to go.
 What Does This Study Mean for People Outside of China?
In nations where environmental laws are passed and strictly enforced, it is very unlikely that you will ever be exposed to pollution levels anywhere near as high as those causing increased mortality rates in China. Nevertheless, air pollution is everywhere. Car exhaust, fumes from factories, even particulate matter from natural forest fires can add to the overall level of pollution in your area. While you may never have to deal with pollution levels as high as those in China, it is important to keep in mind that breathing unsafe or polluted air is serious, and that you should always keep the potential risk in mind.
 How Can I Manage Air Pollution Exposure?
Your control over the outside air in your town or city is more or less beyond your control. However, that does not mean that there aren’t steps you can take to limit your overall exposure. The best method by which to accomplish this is to purchase a residential air purifier to ensure that the air in your home is as safe as it can possibly be. US Air Purifiers offers a wide range of units that will efficiently clean the air in your apartment or house, no matter the size.
If you aren’t sure whether or not your home’s air quality is a problem, you can also get a baseline measurement of it by using a Foobot personal indoor air quality meter. This easy to use device will give you an exact breakdown of contaminants in your air, allowing you to gauge how safe it is to breathe. If you find that you are breathing in air that is high in pollutants or particulate matter, it may be time to equip your home with a high quality air purifier.