Spring cleaning is one of the best things you can do for your asthma and allergy symptoms.
If you have allergies and asthma, there's nothing better you can do for yourself than give your home a thorough spring cleaning. Allergens like dust, mold and pet dander can build up in the house over the winter, making a deep clean necessary. Keeping your home free of the most common indoor allergens during the spring will also provide you with a clean place to hide out from spring pollen allergies, if you have them.
However, ironically, this important task is more difficult for people with allergies than others, since cleaning can stir up allergens. Here are a few tips to turn your home into a hypoallergenic haven without sacrificing your health:
- Know your triggers. If you know exactly what you're allergic to, you'll be able to take extra precautions before cleaning in areas that contain your allergens. If you haven't had an allergy test yet, going to a doctor to find out which allergens you react to is the first step in empowering you to fight your allergy symptoms.
- Wear a face mask. Even if you don't think the area you're cleaning in is likely to set off your symptoms, you never know where allergens are going to crop up, and it can't hurt to keep from breathing dust and dirt in either.
- Use microfiber cloths to dust. Feather dusters and regular cotton cloths just send dust and other allergens flying around the room, leaving them to settle on other surfaces. Microfiber cloths, on the other hand, actually trap dust with their static cling, allowing you to remove it from surfaces without redistributing it onto others.
To keep the air in your home clean as well, invest in a home air purifier. For more information about air purifiers for allergies, contact US Air Purifiers today.