With spring comes the onset of outdoor seasonal allergies.
Spring is finally on its way after a long, hard winter in many parts of the country, but for allergy sufferers, this is both a blessing and a curse. As trees begin to pollinate and molds come out of their winter dormancy to produce new spores, outdoor allergies come back with a vengeance. However, you can mitigate this effect if you're well-prepared. Here are a few tips to help you get ready for the onset of spring allergies:
- Talk to your doctor. If you use prescription allergy medication, contact your doctor now so that you can start it early. Non-drowsy antihistamines and nasal sprays are the most effective at fighting spring allergies.
- Keep your home closed off and clean. Keep your doors and windows shut during high pollen count days to keep allergens from entering the home, and make sure to clean regularly to get rid of those that do manage to get in.
- Stay inside in the morning. Allergen counts are usually highest from around 5 a.m. to 10 a.m., so staying in during this time period will let you avoid the worst allergy symptoms.
- Get rid of and prevent mold in the home. You can remove mold from hard surfaces using a solution of water and bleach. Make sure there are no especially moist areas in your home that are encouraging mold to form.
- Use a HEPA air purifier for allergies. HEPA air purifiers can trap small particles that cause allergies by causing air to pass through a super-fine mesh that strains allergens out, almost like a coffee filter or a sieve.
For help finding the best air purifier for allergies, contact US Air Purifiers today. We are experts in the field and will help you find the right air purifier for you.