Yogurt is one of the foods that can help allergy sufferers alleviate their symptoms.
With spring finally here, allergy sufferers around the country are gearing up for what is going to a particularly brutal season. Because this winter has been so long and cold, many experts are predicting that the pollen level in the air is going to be higher than in recent years, which means that those who have seasonal allergies are going to be experiencing more severe symptoms. They are urging everybody to stock up on their medication and begin taking it early so they can get a head start and fight off the itchy eyes and sneezing for as long as possible. But there are other things you can do to fight off your allergies.
Here are a few foods that can help alleviate your symptoms:
- Capers: This plant and food seasoning has a chemical called quercetin that can help fight off allergy attacks by blocking the effects of histamines.
- Green tea: This drink contains an antioxidant known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which has been shown to decrease the production of mucus in the body. And like capers, green tea also contains quercetin.
- Yogurt: According to a study from the journal Clinical and Experimental Allergy, people who consumed a probiotic found in yogurt – Lactobacillus casei – were found to have lower levels of the antibodies that are used to fight off allergy symptoms. They believe the yogurt helps to balance the bacteria in the gut, preventing the body from being too sensitive to possible allergens.
In addition to trying these foods, a great way to decrease your chances of an allergy attack is by keeping the air in your home free from pollutants. Invest in a home air purifier from US Air Purifiers Direct 2U and see how the benefits of air purifiers can positively impact your life.