The Foobot home air quality monitor recently ranked among the four most effective air quality meters in a study conducted at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The study aimed to find out which, if any, commercial air quality monitors were effective in detecting particulate matter from a wide range of common indoor sources. Here’s what you should know about this study, how the Foobot stacked up and why indoor air quality monitors are important.
 What Did the Study Measure?
The new Lawrence Berkeley study compared seven commercial air quality monitors, each of which used common, mass-produced particle detectors. Each of the seven units was tested to see whether it was effective in detecting particulate matter from sources that included ambient dust, burning incense, candles, cigarettes and various types of cooking. For control purposes, specialized laboratory sensors were used to obtain accurate readings of the level of particulate matter from each source. The ability of the commercial monitors to detect changes in air quality was then measured.
 How Did Foobot Measure Up?
Of the seven commercial monitors, the Foobot indoor air quality monitor was found to be one of only four that quantitatively measured particle output from all large sources effectively. The measure of effectiveness used by the study’s authors was detection of PM 2.5, or particulate matter with an average diameter of 2.5 micrometers. In more common terms, this is what is known as “fine particulate matter.” Two units detected most sources but failed to produce quantifiable results, while one unit was found to be ineffective altogether. The four units that passed the PM 2.5 test were deemed by the authors to be suitable for monitoring indoor air quality.
Foobot’s success in this test, however, didn’t stop with being one of the four air quality monitors that was found to be effective. In fact, Foobot finished in the top two, coming it at an almost perfect tie with the other most effective indoor air quality meter. The Foobot unit was even able to detect cooking events using its VOC meter, which enabled it to outperform other units that could only detect particles.
 Why Was This Study Important?
This study produced some fairly important findings when it comes to using monitors to track and improve your indoor air quality. Firstly, it clearly showed that not all monitors are equally effective, making it important that buyers know exactly what they’re getting when they go shopping for an air quality meter. It also demonstrated that, even among the units found to be effective, Foobot stands out as one of the best. Though this was already well-known, the study also illustrated the point that even very common indoor activities, such as cooking or burning candles, can produce harmful particulate matter that should be carefully monitored and controlled in order to promote optimal health.
If you want to keep a more careful eye on the quality of your indoor air using the Foobot unit, you can get it right here on USAirpurifiers.com!
 If you have any questions about monitoring your home air or using an air purifier to improve it, please feel free to contact us directly for answers and personalized product recommendations.