Five Reasons To Use A HEPA Filter

air purifier in bed room. air cleaner removing fine dust in house.

When it comes to getting better, cleaner, more breathable indoor air, air purifiers with HEPA filters are the standard.

The HEPA filter has its own capability to scrub potentially harmful particles out of the air that cycles through it. It’s superior to other kinds of filtration in this regard. When you have a HEPA filter in place, you know that you’re trapping a certain range of microbes. That may include allergens or harsh chemical elements. You can also trap natural items like dust mites and pet dander.

Here are five of the main reasons that people buy high-quality air purifiers with a HEPA filter inside.

Allergy and Asthma Symptom Relief

According to the CDC, 25 million Americans suffer from asthma, where the airway is compromised by inflammation. There’s often a lot of wheezing, difficulty breathing, or problems with exertion. Asthma sufferers often carry an inhaler to use in the case of an asthma attack, where the airway becomes more restricted.

Small particles in the air can worsen asthma conditions. This can lead to an asthma attack. So removing them is very important for people who have this condition.

Millions of Americans have some sort of allergy to airborne particles. This could be an allergy to a specific kind of pet dander. Or it might be an allergy to pollen or some kind of plant residue. In any case, cleaning the indoor air means allergy sufferers might not have to be dealing with common symptoms like:

  • Ear, nose and throat irritation
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Coughing or sneezing

So for both of those reasons, getting a HEPA filter in place is important.

Protection from Industrial Chemicals

Here’s another big reason that people want an air purifier in the house with a HEPA filter.

Not everyone is aware that a lot of the consumer products that they buy may come with a range of potentially harmful chemicals. Look for things like formaldehyde, benzene, and something called TCE.

These insidious items may lurk in building materials. For example, it might be in things like flooring and drywall. It can also be in small items. A coffee pot, toaster oven or even kitchen implements might be made with this stuff.

The same goes for a lot of small items that you might find in other rooms of your home, like the living room or the bathroom. 

Imagine you buy a new small appliance and put it on the countertop in your kitchen. You notice a certain kind of new product smell coming from whatever you brought home. That may be an indicator that chemical elements are leaching out from this newly manufactured product and contaminating the air in your home.

Longevity and Quality of Life

Generally speaking, you tend to live longer and have a better quality of life when the air that you breathe is clean.

That’s not to say that off-gassing or mold or dust mites, or anything else is actually going to cause disease. Each person’s condition and experience is different. But there’s a lot to be said for clean air in terms of improving your odds of living healthy longer. There’s also a comfort factor involved. In fact, when we talk to customers, that’s one of the major reasons that most of them purchase these appliances to just feel comfortable inside of their homes.

Your home is your castle, and you want to have a good feeling about coming home and spending time there.

Odor Reduction

This is a different sort of reason to run a high-quality air purifier with a HEPA filter in your home.

Sometimes you know that there are contaminants in your indoor air, because you can smell them.

This often happens when you have a cat, dog or other pet. Generally, the particles from their dander or waste (or a litterbox) get into the air and imbue your home with a certain aroma. You may find it unpleasant to be smelling these smells, but you also want to minimize the impact of these particles on your health, and so you may want a combination of a good HEPA filter and activated carbon: the HEPA filter works well against the particles, while the carbon tends tgo decrease the odors. 

Wildfire Risk

This last major reason to purchase an air purifier with HEPA filtration is something that many of us have experienced for the first time within the last few years.

Scientists know that wildfire combustion generates something called PM 2.5, which are small particles that can get into your lungs and airway and affect your health.

But up until recently, this was just a regional problem for people in areas like Southern California and the great Northwest.

However, a few years ago, we got a real wake-up call in the form of wildfire smoke moving from one end of the country to the other, and coming in from Canada to affect areas of the mid-Atlantic and other parts of the U.S.

Now, pretty much everyone understands that wildfire smoke can travel a long way, and the particles come with it.

So millions more American households are gearing up for this kind of environmental damage by running a modern air purifier with HEPA in their homes. The process is easy: first, you can use an air monitor to see what’s in your indoor air. Then you can purchase the right kind of air purifier to remediate those elements. 

Those are five of the reasons that people talk about when they discuss why they purchased these appliances for a home or business. Talk to US Air Purifiers LLC about warranty, price information and everything else about your modern air purifier appliance.