If you’re worried about air quality in your community, one good thing to know is that the federal EPA routinely reports on conditions around the country. That helps all of us to know what to expect, as we deal with a greater number of pollution sources, and a higher volume of some contaminants.

Here’s an example – a report from last week from this federal office on air quality due to wildfire activity.
In this report August 15, the EPA specifies New England areas for high elevation of air pollution coming from Quebec and Western Canada provinces.
EPA guidance specifies that a lot of the problem has to do with small particulates called PM2.5, microscopic particles that can get stuck deep inside the lungs and contribute to some serious health problems.
Specific high-risk groups include the elderly, those with respiratory disease, immunocompromised people, and young people, as well as pregnant women. Some birth defects have been linked to PM2.5 exposure for the mother.
In this particular broadcast, the EPA identifies central Western Massachusetts, a few counties in New Hampshire, and apparently all of Vermont.
The agency encourages people to look at the air quality index throughout the day, and look for signs of heavy wildfire, smoke such as haze and lower visibility.
Dealing with Air Pollution
These broadcasts illustrate the concerns that people often have when they have elevated levels of air pollution in their communities.
In some ways, the response is similar, regardless of what the contaminant is. For example, if you think of what people did during Covid, and what they might do during wildfire activity seasons, some of it might be similar – trying to seal indoor areas, for example, and ventilate them well in order to improve air quality.
Another thing you can do is install air purifiers in your home, to help with the quality of your indoor air.
First, you can get an air monitor machine that will alert you to the levels of pollution in your home’s air. Machines can monitor contaminants like the following:
- PM2.5
- VOCs
- Mold
- Pet dander
- Dust mites
Many other contaminants may be measurable as well.
With that research, you can implement air purifier machines to help improve the air in your home.
Different Types of Air Purifier Machines
You can use whole home systems that cycle all of the home’s air, or portable standalone units that work on the air in particular spaces.
You can choose systems rated for a particular square footage, and for a specific number of air changes per hour or ACH.
You can also choose new technologies like probiotic machines, filterless machines, and machines that use heat to destroy bacterial contaminants.
And you can read about the difference between items like viruses and bacteria, and the ultrafine particles that come from wildfire burning.
Let US Air Purifiers LLCâ„¢ help you to put the systems in place that you need for your living space. We have the experience and track record of thought leadership to help customers get just what they need for cleansing the air that is around them day to day. When you put the extra work into planning, you get much more for your money, and more peace of mind about your indoor air quality over time.