Talking to your allergist is crucial for keeping your asthma symptoms under control.
For millions of Americans, suffering from asthma or allergies is a way of life. While having a sore throat or itchy eyes is not ideal, the symptoms can be managed even at the height of allergy season. Winter is not a relief from the disease, because being indoors carries with it the risk that you will breathe in common allergens – dust, pet dander – throughout the entire season. But if you find that you cannot find any relief from your allergies or asthma, communication with your allergist could be at the root of your problem.
According to two papers published in the January issue of the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology journal, those who suffer from asthma need to ask plenty of questions and feel like they have an open dialogue with their doctor in order for any treatments to be effective. The reports say that patients who do not have a full understanding of their condition or treatment plan might not follow life-saving guidelines, which will put them at an increased risk for serious asthma attacks.
“Changes need to be made by allergists and patients to ensure a treatment plan is in place that will be followed. Proper treatment and adherence to the plan not only improves quality of life, but may save lives,” allergist Dr. Stanley Fineman, the author of the report, writes.
The paper goes on to mention how only 8 to 13 percent of asthma sufferers continue to refill inhaled corticosteroid prescriptions after one year, essentially making them ineffective in an emergency situation. Asthma is responsible for roughly 4,000 deaths annually in the United States.
Keeping your asthma under control is very important and a crucial first step is communicating with your allergist. To help your symptoms, improve the air quality of your home with a Whirlpool air purifier from US Air Purifiers.