Central Texas has been having one of the worst cedar seasons on record.
For the past week, the cold, damp temperatures in central Texas have been giving allergy sufferers a brief period of relief from the season's exceptionally high cedar pollen levels. However, with sunshine returning to the area on Thursday and Friday, central Texans should be prepared for a dramatic upswing in pollen counts.
This winter has seen some of the highest cedar pollen counts of all time, with levels reaching 21,400 in Austin on Jan. 15, the second-highest level ever recorded. For allergy sufferers in central Texas, this has been an extremely difficult season, as they experience intense allergic symptoms that make it difficult to go outside and go about their lives.
Meanwhile, researchers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center are looking into a strategy that might make the cedar pollen season easier on many Texans. Research is underway to determine whether controlled burns may be a viable technique for reducing pollen levels.
Dr. Mark Simmons, one of the center's researchers, said to KXAN, "We're looking to see by clearing the cedar trees if we're having any effect on the pollen, what kind of atmospheric and meteorological conditions will change it. Because if we can see a difference with pollen concentrations when you do clear — versus when you don't clear — the cedar, that will be something worth knowing."
However, in the meantime, allergy sufferers should be prepared for the increased pollination induced by the sunshine in the coming few days. Historically high pollen counts often occur on days when it's sunny and windy after a period of cold weather.
If you live in central Texas and suffer from cedar allergies, looking into home air purifiers can help you to make your home an allergy-free haven. Contact US Air Purifiers for advice today.