While you may love cooking, the kitchen is one of the rooms in your home that is most likely to have odors build up over time. From the smell of grease from your frying pan to slight burnt odors that can occur when you’re browning or searing meat, a wide variety of different odors are created by basic cooking processes. Here’s what you need to know about using an air purifier for kitchen odors and how air cleaning technology can keep your kitchen odor-free.
 Understanding What’s In Kitchen Odors
One of the interesting things about odors is the fact that they can be caused by a wide range of different airborne compounds. In the case of kitchen odors, we’re mostly discussing compounds that have become airborne as a result of heating or burning during a cooking process.
Because of this, a special type of filter is needed to remove odors from the air. A standard HEPA filter, which is used to remove particulates like pollen, dust and dander, won’t be able to target the gases that make up odors. So, if you want to use an air purifier for kitchen odors, you’ll need a unit that includes a carbon filter. Carbon filtration allows air purifiers to remove gases, thus reducing or eliminating odors.
 Best Air Purifiers for Kitchen Odors
While there are many great air purifiers that feature carbon filtration, we’ve selected a few of the best options for this purpose. Following are a few of the units we most highly recommend for dealing with kitchen odors:
Have questions about these or any of the other high-quality air purifiers we sell? We’re here to help! Feel free to contact us with your questions, and we’ll provide you with answers and personalized product recommendations based on your specific needs.