Can the nickel in iPads really trigger an allergic reaction?
Wherever you go these days, it is not difficult to find somebody who uses an Apple product. Whether it is an iPhone, iPad or Macbook, it seems as if the tech giant is everywhere at all times. While these devices have undoubtedly made our lives easier and more connected, the rapid ascension of high-tech products could carry with them unintended health consequences. This was certainly the case for one 11-year-old boy who discovered an unusual trigger for his allergic reactions – his iPad.
Over the last six months, dermatologists Sharon Jacob and Shehla Admani have been studying the unidentified child and the severe skin condition that he had been suffering from. What they found out surprised them, as they were led to believe that his daily use of his first-generation iPad – which was released by Apple in 2010 – contributed to the reaction. When the boy put a protective case around his iPad, doctors immediately noticed a significant reduction in his previous dermatitis.
When the dermatologists tested the iPad for nickel, they found sizeable amounts of the substance in the device. This was causing the 11-year-old to break out because of his unknown allergy to the substance, but the case was able to provide him with the necessary amount of protection from the trigger. While the researchers do not know if subsequent generations of the iPad also contain nickel, they nonetheless urge anybody who has a sensitivity to be careful while handling these products.
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