In a recent blog post, we at US Air Purifiers gave a few recommendations regarding the best air purifiers for those who live in areas that are affected by the methane gas leak from a storage facility in southern California. If you know that you are affected by the leak, you can click here to view the article about our best models for removing the potentially harmful methane gas from the air in your home. However, it may be difficult to determine whether or not the area you live in has been affected by this leak. That is why, in this article, we’ll deal with the best way to find out if the air you breathe contains a higher than normal amount of methane.
 How to Tell if the California Gas Leak has Affected Your Air
Luckily, the process of finding out whether or not you are breathing contaminated air is an incredibly fast and simple one. By using a Foobot home air quality meter, those living close to the source of the California gas leak can easily determine whether or not they need an air purification system capable of removing the methane gas from their home. The system is a compact and easy to use air quality meter that syncs directly to a smartphone to give users a comprehensive air quality readout. Aside from VOCs like methane, the Foobot system is also helpful for detecting the presence of pollutants and particulate matter in the air, allowing users to get a comprehensive picture of just how healthy the air they breathe each and every day really is.
 How to Get a Foobot Meter
Customers interested in a Foobot meter to determine the quality of their air, either due to the pressing concern of the gas leak in southern California or simply to find out how healthy their home air is, can order the system directly on usairpurifiers.com. For more information and complete specifications, click here. You can also contact us with any questions relating to the Foobot system or any other aspect of maintaining a healthy home air quality.
As today is Christmas Eve, we would also like to wish each and every one of our customers (past, present and yet-to-come, as Dickens might say) a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. Enjoy the festive time of year!