This spring, the American Lung Association released its 25-year report titled State of the Air 2024 that deals with air quality in the United States.

One of the biggest findings was that the number of days many of us spend being subjected to high levels of air pollution is the highest it’s been in that whole 25 years’ time. Researchers write:
“According to the new report, people in the U.S. experienced the most days with “very unhealthy” and “hazardous” air quality due to particle pollution in 25 years.”
The study looks at the impact of smog or ozone, as well as particle pollution, finding that 39% of Americans, or around 130,000,000, deal with one or the other of these hazards over a certain threshold. The study examined air pollution over a three-year period, and found some bright spots, as well as challenges.
“We have seen impressive progress in cleaning up air pollution over the last 25 years, thanks in large part to the Clean Air Act. However, when we started this report, our team never imagined that 25 years in the future, more than 130 million people would still be breathing unhealthy air,” said Harold Wimmer, President and CEO of the American Lung Association, in a press statement. “Climate change is causing more dangerous air pollution. Every day that there are unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution means that someone – a child, grandparent, uncle or mother – struggles to breathe. We must do more to ensure everyone has clean air.”
Short Term and Long Term Exposure
The study measures short term spikes in pollutants differently from year-round exposure.
It finds a lot of both of these problems on the West Coast, particularly in California. By contrast, in a list of some of the cleanest cities overall, the majority are on the East Coast, with outliers like cities in Hawaii off of the west coast, and Nebraska in the Midwest.
Dealing with Particle Pollution
The American Lung Association study specifically mentions PM2.5, a type of particle pollution that’s hazardous to human lungs. We’ve talked about PM2.5 on the blog and looking at different air purifier units that can deal with this contaminant. PM2.5 comes from sources like:
· Wood or coal burning facilities, either in a home or at power plants
· Wildfire activity
· Poorly contained diesel emissions
Many people in areas with high PM2.5 counts or with specific pollution threats are looking for air purifier units to protect their health and clean their indoor air.
Reasons for High Pollutant Levels
One area of the study mentioned in terms of high pollution is the transport of goods and freight systems.
The study found that this has increased over time, possibly adding to pollutants in local areas.
You can see a list of most affected and least affected cities in the study press release that illustrates where these problems are worst.
It’s an informative look at what we deal with across the country in making sure we have healthy air.
The study also cites recent EPA standards that have had a positive effect. Specifically, the Clean Air Act, according to advocates, has helped to improve air quality nationwide. But the new study is a suggestion that it may not have done enough.
Protecting Your Health
One of the best ways to deal with trapped pollutants inside a building is by using an air purifier unit, and by adding sufficient ventilation.
You can get home systems or portable standalone air purifiers that can filter out things like PM2.5 and various hazards. Either of these solutions can be effective, depending on your layout and the particular spaces that you want to improve.
You can also choose from various new technologies like filterless air purifiers, probiotic air purifiers, and other systems that will work on a more comprehensive basis to filter out pollutants. You can get units with medical grade HEPA filters to trap 99.97% of particles down to .3 microns, along with carbon activation for specific particles. You can also use indoor air monitors from companies like uHoo to know more about what’s happening inside of your home or space.
Check out the blog for more specific recommendations. US Air Purifiers LLC™ can help you to get the machines that you need to protect your indoor air quality. We’ll consult on your space and various other factors that will affect your final choice of systems. Get the right air handling gear in place to have peace of mind about what you breathe in your home every day!
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