Each spring, trees and other plants begin releasing pollen into the air. While spring allergies are fairly common, some years are much worse than others. So far, allergy season 2021 has been one of the worst in recent memory. Here’s what you should know about why spring allergies have been so bad this year and what you can do to keep your allergies under control.
Why Has the Allergy Season of 2021 Been So Bad?
The bad allergy season so far is largely the result of the mild winter seen across most of the country. Mold that would normally die off in the winter months remained due to warmer temperatures. That, combined with unusually high levels of tree pollen, has set off severe allergies for many people. Even individuals who normally suffer from no allergies or very mild symptoms have had bad reactions this spring. So, if you’ve noticed abnormal allergic reactions in 2021, you’re far from alone.
More broadly, the unusually bad allergy season ties back to climate change. As mentioned above, warmer winters are less likely to kill off allergy-inducing molds. Because winter temperatures are growing progressively warmer across large parts of the world, we can expect to see a continuance of bad allergy conditions in the coming years.
In addition to allowing more allergens to survive until spring, a warming climate can lengthen the annual allergy season. As winter temperatures arrive later and depart earlier, both fall and spring allergy seasons are extended. This can be a real problem for severe allergy sufferers, who now find themselves living with allergies for large portions of the year.
What Can You Do to Protect Yourself From Seasonal Allergies
When it comes to preventing allergies, one of the best things you can do is to use a HEPA air purifier in your home. This type of air purifier uses filters that can easily capture the pollen that causes seasonal allergic reactions. By using a high-quality air purifier, you can keep the pollen levels in your home to a minimum. To see some of our recommended units, check out our complete selection of air purifiers for allergies and asthma.
In addition to limiting the presence of pollen in your home, you can consider changes to your routine that will limit your exposure. Try to avoid outdoor exercise when pollen is at its peak, and keep your windows closed to avoid more pollen getting inside. If you suffer from severe enough allergies, you can also consider taking over the counter antihistamine medications, though these tend to make people feel drowsy.
If you have to be outside, you might also want to consider using the face mask you would normally wear to prevent COVID-19 transmission. Surgical masks can help to block some pollen from being inhaled. Since most of us have plenty of masks available these days, it makes sense to use them to reduce pollen exposure as well. Be aware, though, that wearing a mask will only help with respiratory allergies. Pollen will still get into your eyes and cause watering or itching, even with a mask.
If you have questions about how air purifiers can help you deal with your seasonal allergies, we’re here to help! Feel free to contact us with your questions, and we’ll be happy to provide you with answers and personalized product recommendations.