With spring almost over and summer about to start, you may have noticed that your allergies have been especially bad this year. Allergies may be low on your radar amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, but they can still be a serious annoyance. Here’s what you need to know about why allergy season 2020 has been so bad and how you can protect yourself with a home air purifier.
Why Is Allergy Season 2020 Worse Than Most?
The reason for the worsening allergies this season is that two pollen seasons are overlapping in an unusual way. Ordinarily, tree pollen saturates the air in April and May. By June, trees finish their pollination, and grasses begin theirs. This leads to a steady pollen level throughout the spring and early summer, producing a normal allergy season.
This year, though, the dynamic is a bit different. Cool weather and rains lasted longer into the spring than usual in many parts of the United States this year. As a result, the pollination season for trees began later than normal. This has meant an overlap between tree pollen and grass pollen season that has led to more severe allergies for many people.
How to Reduce Your Allergy Symptoms
If you’re suffering from allergies but don’t want to deal with the fog and tiredness that come with antihistamine medications, there are several steps you can take to limit your exposure to this season’s excessive pollen. For starters, keep pollen out of your home by closing the windows and using the air conditioning system to circulate air. This will keep your home comfortable without allowing pollen in. You can also limit your time spent outside by exercising indoors and only going out when it’s absolutely necessary.
If you want to be especially careful, you might even consider changing your clothes and shoes and taking a shower whenever you come in from outside. This will keep pollen from spreading inside your home and get it off of your skin and hair before it can cause an allergic reaction. This step may be unnecessary for mild allergy sufferers, but it’s a good idea if you or someone you live with suffers from severe allergies, asthma, COPD or other respiratory illnesses.
Finally, you can protect yourself with a high-quality HEPA air purifier. The fine filter material in a HEPA purifier can easily capture grains of pollen, removing them from the air in your home. By capturing pollen before it has a chance to cause an allergy flare-up, you can reduce your overall symptoms during the heavy allergy season of 2020. Some of our top recommendations for allergy control include the Amaircare 3000 HEPA, Airpura I600, Austin Air Allergy Machine and Rabbit Air Minus A2.
Have questions about how an air purifier can help relieve your allergy symptoms or which model you should be using? We’re here to help! Feel free to contact us with your questions, and we’ll be happy to provide you with answers and personalized product recommendations based on your unique needs and the size of your home.