One of the most common questions we get here at US Air Purifiers is “Do air purifiers work for allergies?” Most people, especially in the spring and autumn, suffer from pollen-related allergies of some kind. Others suffer throughout the year from allergies to pet hair and other common household contaminants. One of the most popular solutions for these allergy problems is to use a home air purifier. Before you invest the money to buy one, however, you need to know whether or not air purifiers really do work for allergies, which is what we’ll be answering in this blog post.
 Understanding Different Types of Air Purifiers
Before we jump into how well air purifiers work for allergies, we need to cover the basics of the different air purifier types. There are two basic types of air purifiers: HEPA and carbon filter. Though both of these filtration types are very good at what they do, their effects on airborne allergens are extremely different.
HEPA air purifiers use filters that are made from many layers of a porous material. When air passes through this filter material, airborne particles get trapped in it. In order to qualify as HEPA, a filter has to be able to remove at least 99.7 percent of particle that are greater than .3 microns in size. This includes all pollen types, pet hair, dander and even some larger bacteria.
Carbon filter air purifiers, on the other hand, will have little to no effect on such particles. Instead, they are intended to remove odors, gases and VOCs from the air in your home. In a carbon filter air purifier, air is passed through a bed of activated carbon. The chemicals that are used to treat this carbon capture the gaseous impurities from the air and hold them in, preventing them from being reintroduced to the air in your home. Needless to say, this kind of system won’t capture particulates. However, many carbon air purifiers do come with a prefilter that will capture very large particles, such as pet hair and dust.
Finally, there’s a third type of air purifier that is far less common than the other two, but which is worth mentioning here: the filterless thermal air purifier. These purifiers use a heating core to eliminate airborne particles. Like HEPA purifiers, they are quite effective against solid matter, but won’t be able to eliminate gases. Unlike HEPA filters, however, they can remove very small bacteria and even viruses. As an additional benefit, these purifiers don’t require regular maintenance or filter changes.
 So, Do Air Purifiers Work for Allergies?
The basic answer to this question is that some air purifiers work for allergies. HEPA and thermal air purifiers will be extremely effective in removing allergens from your home air. Carbon purifiers, however, will not be. If your primary concern is to find an air purifier that works for allergies, a HEPA purifier will generally be your best bet.
View Our Top Recommended Units for Allergies
Still have questions about how to use an air purifier to fight your allergies? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact us, and we’ll help you pick out the perfect purifier for your personal needs.