When considering whether or not to buy an air purifier, there are several different things you should be taking into consideration. Do you need HEPA filtration, carbon filtration or dual-filter functionality? How large should the capacity of a unit be to meet your needs? How much noise will a given unit produce? Are air purifiers safe to use in the home on a continuous basis?
This last question, though it may seem like an unusual one to someone who has owned and used an air purifier for several years, is actually one of the more common questions asked by people who are just beginning to learn about using air purifiers to improve their health. Because of this, we’ve decided to answer the question “Are air purifiers safe?” once and for all.
 Air Purifier Safety Considerations
So, what safety considerations are there when using an air purifier in your home, office or other small space? Like all electronic devices, air purifiers have to be plugged into your home’s electrical system in order to function, which leads many new buyers to wonder whether or not they can be used 24/7 safely. The answer to this question is a definitive yes, as long as your house doesn’t have underlying wiring issues that would prevent a modern appliance from being able to function properly.
Another of the air purifier safety concerns some new buyers have is ozone exposure. Some people have heard that air purifiers which feature ionization technology actively produce excess ozone in the process of creating negative ions in the air. This, however, is generally a misunderstanding based on the similarity of ionizer technologies to ozone generators. Believe it or not, there are ozone generation devices that have been marketed as “healthy,” despite the fact that high levels of ozone can cause cellular damage in the upper respiratory system. Though ionizers work on similar physical principles to these ozone generators, they produce primarily ionized particles, rather than ozone molecules. It is true that even the best ionization systems will produce some tiny amount of ozone during the course of their normal operation, but the increase in ozone is negligible with ionizers. Ozone generators, conversely, produce non-negligibile increases in ozone levels.
Finally, there are people who wonder about where or not filterless air purifiers are safe. These purifiers use a thermal ceramic core to eliminate airborne bacteria, viruses, pollen and other impurities with heat. On the surface, this kind of system might seem like a fire hazard. However, these purifiers enclose that ceramic core in an outer shell that prevents direct contact between outside material and the heat-generating core, mitigating this concern.
 So, Are Air Purifiers Safe?
The final answer to the question “Are air purifiers safe?” is, in fact, an emphatic yes. Air purifier technology presents no dangers while functioning properly. If you still have questions about air purifier safety or how you can use an air purifer to improve your own health, feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to answer any further questions you may have.