British scientists have confirmed a new treatment for the symptoms of asthma. The new treatment, however, may surprise many asthma sufferers. This treatment, surprisingly enough, is Vitamin D.
Results of the Asthma Treatment Study
The new research, carried out by Queen Mary University of London, showed that the rate of severe asthma attack in patients being given both standard asthma medication and Vitamin D supplements dropped from the normal rate of 6 percent to 3 percent. Though many people already take Vitamin D supplements, the doses used in the study were up to five times higher than the standard supplemental dose, prompting the authors of the study to caution asthmatics against attempting to replicate the results with individual supplementation. Though the study showed no significant side effects, overly high doses of Vitamin D are associated with hypercalcemia, a buildup of excess calcium in the bloodstream. However, the study’s author’s remained optimistic that the research could yield a viable Vitamin-D based asthma medication in the future.
 Other Ways to Control Asthma Symptoms
While this research is promising, it could be some time before the correct dosage is determined and synthesized into a safe and effective medication. There are, however, some great ways to lower your risk of having an asthma attack. First and foremost, it’s important to avoid stress, as it is one of the leading causes of severe asthma attacks. Eating a healthy diet with low or no alcohol intake can also help to manage asthma symptoms.
One of the best ways to avoid asthma attacks, however, is to eliminate impurities in the air. Because asthma renders the lungs and upper respiratory system vulnerable in the first place, contaminants can easily trigger varying degrees of asthma attacks. To prevent this kind of attack, the best approach is to make use of a residential air purifier. A high-quality air purification system will remove impurities that could cause asthma attacks from the air in your home, thus giving your respiratory system a break from the many contaminants it is exposed to on a day to day basis. For most asthma sufferers, a HEPA purification system will help to reduce the risk of attacks. If your home is exposed to gaseous chemicals, however, you will need a combination HEPA/VOC purifier.
Though the new research into Vitamin D as an asthma treatment shows promise, asthma patients are warned against attempting to supplement with overly high doses of Vitamin D until the proper dosage for treatment can be determined. There are, however, several natural ways to reduce asthma symptoms and limit the severity of attacks.
Have questions about using air purification technology for treating asthma symptoms? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact us with your questions, and we’ll guide you through the process of selecting the perfect air purifier for your needs.