If allergies are causing you problems at work, here are some tips to help you manage them.
It can be difficult to manage allergy symptoms at work, especially if something in the workplace is triggering your allergies and you're not sure what it is. Moreover, it can feel awkward to take allergy medication or use an inhaler in front of coworkers if they aren't aware of your issues. Here are a few tips to help you manage your allergic reactions and stay healthy and productive at work:
- Don't let yourself get too stressed. Elevated stress levels can worsen allergic symptoms, so if you're already having problems with allergies in your workplace, try not to add to your stress level by taking on extra work or getting involved in conflicts with your coworkers. Becoming too stressed will lead to worse symptoms, which in turn will lead to fatigue and lowered productivity on the job.
- Ask for replacement of old carpets and air filters. If your allergies stem from dust and other allergens that can collect in old carpets, it can help your symptoms to request that the carpet be replaced, or at least cleaned. Also, if your office has an air purifier, check that the filter has been changed recently and replace it if it hasn't.
- Don't be ashamed of taking medication. Everyone has to take medication for one condition or another these days, and allergies are among the least embarrassing possibilities. Don't be too self-conscious about using an inhaler or your asthma medication to do what you need to do to keep yourself healthy at work.
- Dust your work area regularly. Dust collects quickly in the workplace due to the volume of people coming and going, so be sure to remove dust from your area at least once a week.
For more information about office air purifiers, contact US Air Purifiers today.