Here are a few tips for runners that suffer from allergies or asthma.
If you are an avid runner who suffers from seasonal allergies or asthma, spring and summer can be a particularly difficult time of year for you to get your exercise time in. Although running inside is always a viable option, many people enjoy being able to break free from the gym during the warm weather to enjoy the outdoor scenery. In order to make sure that you can exercise without needing to use your inhaler, there are certain steps you should take to keep yourself protected from any environmental triggers.
Here are a few ways runners can enjoy the outdoors without having to worry about their breathing afflictions:
- Choose your time wisely: If you want to get outside without pollen making your eyes water or nose runny, you will have to go when the pollen count is low. This generally occurs either early in the morning or late at night, ideal times for you to exercise. Also be sure to jump in the shower after your run so the pollen does not stick to you all night.
- Cover your face: Although it might seem like it looks a bit silly, you should keep your nose and mouth covered to avoid breathing in any environmental allergens. A bandana or other type of material will act as a barrier to keep you safe and running without incident.
- Take your medication: Even if this seems like an obvious point, it bears repeating – before you go outdoors to exercise, make sure you take any allergy fighting medication you have been prescribed. This way, you can worry a little less about whether your body is ready to fight an attack.
If you want to keep the air in your home or office free from potential allergens, be sure to invest in a Whirlpool air purifier from US Air Purifiers Direct 2U!