Don't let your allergies get in the way of maintaining your fall garden.
Maintaining your fall garden can be challenging if you suffer from hay fever, as being outside for extended periods of time increases your exposure to ragweed pollen and other irritants. But, just because you have fall allergies doesn’t mean you have to miss out on having a beautiful lawn and garden.
By following these tips, you can keep your symptoms at a minimum:
Conduct frequent lawn maintenance – Once the leaves start to fall, they tend to attract mold, which thrives in damp areas. To keep this potentially hazardous fungus from building up around your home, make sure you rake your yard throughout the fall and early winter.
Know which flowers are allergy culprits – According to a recent article published in The Janesville Gazette, a Wisconsin news outlet, many people mistakenly believe that goldenrod flowers are responsible for hay fever since the pollen found on these plants is large and noticeable. However, notes the source, the pollen is typically too heavy to become airborne, so goldenrod is actually a safe flower to plant in your fall garden.
Pay attention to pollen counts – Pollen is at its most ubiquitous during certain hours of the day depending on where you live. That being said, you can easily schedule your gardening around when the irritant is less of a problem.
Once you’re done gardening for the day, take a shower and change your clothes to get rid of any allergens you may have picked up while you were outdoors. Also, don’t forget to turn on your home air purifier to remove pollutants from the inside of your house. Don’t have one of these effective devices? Check out the Air Purifiers Direct 2U website today to purchase one!