Baseball is a great form of physical activity for people with asthma.
Just because you have asthma, it doesn’t mean you have to abstain from exercise. Several studies have shown that regular exercise can help reduce asthma symptoms, and taking care of your body by exercising is important whether you have asthma or not. As long as your asthma is well-controlled and you know the triggers that tend to cause attacks, you should be able to work out with no major problems. Here are a few forms of exercise that are especially good for people with asthma:
- Yoga. Not only is yoga not a strenuous cardio workout, but it also includes breath control techniques that can be helpful for those with asthma in their daily lives. A recent study showed that only two and a half hours of yoga every week for ten weeks can help people cut down the amount of asthma medication they use.
- Baseball. Sports and activities with consistent breaks in the action are much less likely to cause asthma attacks because they give you a chance to slow down and catch your breath in between periods of activity. You’re not likely to be running for more than about a minute at a time, and the other aspects of the sport give you an opportunity to work on focus, strength and skill.
- Swimming. If you’re looking for a workout that will strengthen the muscles you use to breathe, swimming is for you. Indoor pools also tend to give off warm, moist air, which is good for the lungs of people with asthma. If swimming laps is too hard on your lungs, try out other pool workouts, like synchronized swimming or water aerobics.
One good way of managing your asthma symptoms at home is to invest in an air purifier. For more information about air purifiers for asthma, contact US Air Purifiers today.