Here are two decisions you may be making that are exacerbating your allergy symptoms.
Allergies are dreadful. Runny noses, itchy throats and eyes, congestion and constant sneezing can be unpleasant enough to ruin a beautiful spring day. According to a Health Line article, from 2000 to 2005, Americans saw the cost of allergy treatments rise from $6.1 billion to $11.2 billion with more than half of that money going to prescription medications.
Yet, for all of the effort that we put into eliminating, or at least managing our allergy symptoms, we can sometimes make our situations more difficult.
Here are two ways you may be making your allergy symptoms worse:
Contact lenses: On days when the pollen count registers especially high, sticking with your glasses instead of contact lenses may be the wisest decision.
According to a Fox News article, Dr. David Rosenstreich, director of Allergy and Immunology at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, New York says that the risk with contact lenses is that “If you trap pollen in your eyes and it stays there, you may experience more problems.”
Exercising outside: The adverse effects may be easy to overlook because being outside on a warm summer day is so pleasurable. But for those of us with strong pollen allergies, there is a price to pay for that endorphin rush. However, if spending time outside isn’t an activity you’re willing to sacrifice, going outside as early in the morning as possible when pollen counts are low can work to your benefit. Also, be sure to wash the pollen out of your clothes and hair or your symptoms can persist throughout the night.
Remember to make smart decisions in regard to your allergy and asthma issues, a home air purifier or one for the office may be just the device you need to improve your indoor air quality. Contact US Air Purifiers Direct 2U today. We have the most extensive list of the best available products at affordable prices.