BetterAir Air Purifier & Surface Purifiers

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BetterAir Air Purifier & Surface Purifiers

BetterAir Air Purifier & Surface Purifiers offers revolutionary new technology using probiotics to purifier not only the air but also surfaces and objects.

This high quality eco-balancing system offers numerous health benefits for an outstanding price:

  • Diminish bad odors & purify the air with systematic probiotic misting
  • 100% safe, all-natural and environmentally friendly

By systematically dispensing high quality probiotics into the air, the air becomes healthier 

Virtually Silent too.

By creating a microflora umbrella around us, the BetterAir purifiers and sprays offer a "protective bubble" like a shield around us.

Patented design combined with the highest quality probiotics ensures the best performance and effectiveness in combating odors and common allergens.

BetterAir’s proprietary blend of multiple strains of environmental probiotics have received the Made Safe certification confirming that they are safe for humans, animals and the environment.  BetterAir’s probiotics are organic and naturally occurring  probiotics sourced from the soil and on plants, they are then cultured in an ISO 9001 Certified Laboratory and mixed with water from the Sea of Galilee as a suspension agent. 

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If there's one thing that's critical to helping preserve our health, it is ensuring that what we put into our bodies is as clean and pure as possible.

It is inevitable that in today's environment we breathe in a constant stream of contaminants damaging to our health. At BetterAir, we decided that we just wouldn’t stand for that.

While you are living your busy life, Environmental Probiotics work for you and your family far beyond the preventative approaches we take with traditional approaches to cleaning.

How did we do it? Easy…well, not really. Our R&D team spent years designing a revolutionary patented system that leverages the well-known benefits of probiotics to replenish beneficial bacteria tasked with cleaning your surroundings and purifying the air you breathe.

We may not be able to get away from the air we breathe, but sure can make it better. BetterAir – fighting for the improved air quality you need every day.

For information on any products other than the spray bottles by BetterAir, please contact BetterAir directly.