Maintenance Free or Filterless Air Purifiers

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Air Purifiers - Maintenance Free or Filterless

Definition: Easiest of the Air Purifier Technologies. You just need to plug the unit in and it does all the work from there. No filters to clean or change. Excellent for sterilizing and eliminating airborne pollutants such as: pollen, animal dander, mold and mildew, dust mites, viruses, bacteria and germs.
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6 results

While customers in need of replacement filters for their air purifiers can easily find them on our website, it’s important for consumers to know that we carry maintenance free air purifiers. For example, some air purifiers do not require regular maintenance such as changing the filter. Those who have purchased filterless air purifiers from us have shared that they find that the air in their work or home environment is not only remarkably cleaner; they thoroughly enjoy the fact that they do not have to change the filter regularly. Filterless air purifiers are highly effective in terms of saving money on maintenance.

For assistance in finding and saving on the right air purifier for you, please visit these other pages on our site: