Air Purifiers with Ionic Filtration

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Air Purifiers with Ionic Filtration

It is important to understand that a unit can be an ionic air purifier without releasing harmful amounts of ozone into your environment. 

We do not carry any units that emit harmful amounts of ozone into the environment.  In fact, some units like BlueAir actually reduce the ozone in the surrounding areas through the purification process. (continue reading)

6 results

Definition: Ionic filtration is one of the newest Air Purifier technologies that generates and releases healthy negative ions into the air to adhere to airborne pollutants and then either collect and contain them within the air purifier or have them drop to the floor to be vacuumed or swept up for disposal. Often used with a HEPA Filter and Carbon Filter for containing other airborne pollutants and odors.

For more information on Ionic Technology or for assistance in finding and saving on the right air purifier for you, please visit these other pages on our site: