Electrocorp Air Purifiers

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Electrocorp Air Purifiers

Electrocorp was established in 1985 with the intention of developing the best industrial air filtration equipment for the workplace on the market. More than two decades later, the company now sets the industry standard when it comes removing hundreds of airborne chemicals and odors from the air, including disinfectants, diesel fumes, welding fumes, industrial wastes, medicinal odors, ozone and smoke.

The air purification systems built by Electrocorp vary in size and scope, though the brand is known for crafting extremely powerful, multi-stage machinery that features deep beds and active carbon filtration. Models include advanced HEPA particle filters and UV technology, ensuring that they can improve breathability in nearly any industrial or commercial setting.

Futhermore, Electrocorp's policy restricts us from selling to a client if the client is pre-assigned to a rep at Electrocorp or Allerair. This can be done even just by the client asking a question via email or chat room. Therefore, if you are interested in Electrocorp from us at USAirPurifiers, a small family owned, US business, please contact us first so we can register your information with them. After that, you are welcome to ask them questions or details or we will on your behalf. Sorry if this is inconvenient, but it is just how their business model works.

Electrocorp has a no return policy and a 1 year warranty on all products. (continue reading)

18 results

Not only will these devices get the job done, but they will do so efficiently, guaranteeing that the utilities bill at your business isn't unnecessarily burdened, and that your impact on the environment is minimal.


Electrocorp can offer advanced carbon filter weights that range from 18 pounds to military-grade designs that go up to 30,000 pounds. In fact, the U.S. government has used Electrocorp air purifiers in its Army and Air Force facilities.

Other customers who have chosen Electrocorp to clean the air in their businesses include the Mayo Clinic, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 3M, Lockheed Martin, General Mills, IBM, Texas Tech University, NASA, Siemens and many others.

If you care about quality in the workplace, you need to make sure that the air your employees breathe won't be hazardous to their health. This is especially true for businesses that employ the use of chemicals on a regular basis.At US Air Purifiers LLC ™< we have a wide array of Electrocorp products to choose from so you can improve your work environment.

Our product line is very extensive; however, in order to not overwhelm our customers, we display the most popular products. If you don't see something you are looking for, please contact us, and we'd be happy to assist you.