AllerAir Air Purifiers

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AllerAir Air Purifiers

AllerAir was founded in 1996, when a close relative of the company's owner was diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), also known as "environmental illness" or "sick building syndrome." What started as a humble personal project to research and develop the best air purification methods possible has since grown into one of the largest manufacturing operations in the industry.

  • AllerAir's SuperHEPA is 99.99% effective for .1 microns. (Canadian Made)
  • AllerAir's  Medical Grade HEPA 99.97% effective for .3 microns. (US Made)

Understanding HEPAs and micron levels: NASA Study

AllerAir's Medical Grade True HEPA H13 filters are Made in the USA and are ISO 29463.

ISO 29463 is the newest of many HEPA classification standards. AllerAir's HEPA filters not only conform to ISO 29463, Group ISO35H but also to European Standard EN 1822, Class H13, and USA Mil STD 282 for HEPA filters (99.97% at 0.3 micron removal).


  • AirMed 1 and AirMed 3:  3 years labor and 5 years parts
  • Pro 5 and Pro 6:  5 years labor and 10 years parts

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38 results

There are over 100 different models of air purifier made by AllerAir today. These products can be found in residential, commercial and industrial settings, and have even been used by such high-profile customers as the Mayo Clinic, Boeing Aircraft and even the U.S. Army, just to name a few.

What sets AllerAir products apart from the rest of the pack is the emphasis placed on carbon filtration. While many other air purifiers rely simply on filters to remove allergens and irritants from the air, AllerAir units focus on all hazardous chemicals and gases that could make entering a building a life threatening situation.

The carbon beds on these air purifiers, many of which are deeper than any of the competition, are made up of actual granular pieces of carbon and not just crushed carbon. AllerAir models can be customized with from 4 and 120 pounds of the substance to efficiently absorb gases, odors and chemicals that would make a space uninhabitable. As well, the lifespan of AllerAir carbon is far greater than the material used by most competitors and has an industry-leading absorption capacity.

Another positive attribute of an AllerAir unit is that the housing is metal, as opposed to plastic, and is covered with powder-coated paint to prevent off-gassing. They are also some of the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective units on the market. If you are interested in using an AllerAir air purifier in your business or residence, peruse the selection at US Air Purifiers LLC ™ for the best prices and selection.

AllerAir's product line is very extensive; however, in order to not overwhelm our customers, we display the most popular products. If you don't see something you are looking for, please contact us, and we'd be happy to assist you.